
Friday, April 24, 2020

Southern Discomfort free essay sample

Jack Ripon the chief executive officer of the Oconomo plant who concern about the operational cost is too high to keep the profit for the company and plan to establish the plant in Mexico. Jack wants Jim Maleschowski who is president of the Wisconsin Specialty products division of Lamprey, Inc to go down to the Mexico to find out the operational cost of the establishing a new plant there and submit the report to him. Jim thinks that would be wrong as long as there’s chance its costs can be lowered by establishing new plant in Mexico, but he also thinks the boss Ripon is right because the company needs to make a better return on its investment to continue business. Beside the profit, there are other underlying forces to lead the changes in the management of the company, the changes that required being made. The high operational cost is greatest force that drives the company to look for the changes. We will write a custom essay sample on Southern Discomfort or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The forces made the company have been incurring losses instead of making profits. 1. The union’s unwilling to cooperate. And reason for the unwillingness and resistance are because of the company had tried to reduce the amount of pay and provide the cross-training for increasing the work performance, but the workers are not ready to accept the change of the company and feel they can’t live within that low wage. To solve this problem company should change in people and culture, it pertain to how employee think –change in mind set. (Daft Kendrick, 2010) . The competitors had price advantages and close to overtaking it in product quality. To be more competitive and make changes successful Company must develop improved production technologies; create new products and service desired in the marketplace. (Daft Kendrick, 2010) Under above pressures, the company should look for the organizational change. The organizational change is defined as the adoption of a new idea or behaviour by an organization. (Daft, 1982), the organizational change includes the changing and changing people and culture. (Daft, 2010) In this case, changing people and culture is the primary type of change that needs to be change. Indeed, managers usually report that changing people and culture is t most difficult job. (Rosabeth Kante, Strategy+Business no. 41 (Dec, 12, 2005) ) Closing down the Oconomo plant would cause huge unemployment people. Therefore the mind –set of the union and workers have to be changed. The lower wages and cell manufacturing would enhance the competitiveness of the company. But right now these changes are resisted by the union, so existing mindset had to be the change first. The Jim has found out that union leaders were nervous actually, they are afraid of losing the job, but they also feel that the change will compromise their job security, so in this situation effective implementation tactics involves below. 1. Consistency communication and education can help the workers to understand the needs of changes. People are most likely to change their behaviour when they both understand the rational reason for doing so and see a picture of change that influences their feelings. (Gerard Grace very Business Journal Jan-Feb 2003) The communication can be done by meeting, and survey feedback activities. Education can be done by training for both employees and managers. the education is quite important when change involves the new technology or user unfamiliar with the idea. (Daft ,2005) 2. Participation during the change process can help the workers understand the problem and committed to the change. research study have shown that actively engaging front-line employees in upfront planning and decision-making about changes that affect their work result in much smoother implementation. (Hornstein, Ivy Business Journal (Jan-Feb 2008)) Participation can be done by team work, group discussion etc. 3. Change the leadership style that Jack has to support it. One survey has found that 80% of companies that successful innovators have top CEO who frequently reinforce the importance of innovation both verbally and symbolically. (Strategos survey result). top manager should know that top-down change means initiation of the idea occur at upper levels and is implemented downward. It’s not mean that employees are not educated about change or allowed to participate in it. (Daft 2010) Similar example could be found in the Oticon Company. Experiencing the financial problem, led Oticon made the organizational change, after restructuring, Oticon has become a task culture. More customer focused work, innovative and the employees are participative during the process. Oticon has stated everyone in organization, are independent and responsible and top manager is insist on the change, and made the clear mission as people first. (Oticon people first) By studying this case, organization can be designed to respond to the environment through internal change and development like changing people and culture, actually at my working place, similar problem and challenge are faced. It is Thai restaurant called Rice market is experiencing the decline in the business, introducing new menu and dishes which are complicated to prepare and serve are resisting by the employees. In my opinion, our boss should enhance communication helping t employees to understand introducing new menu might need extra effort for prepare and serve, but it can attracting the guest and provide the good food to enhance the competitive advantages. The visible support of top management also helps overcome resistance to change. The employee should participate during the decision making of the new menu, because the waiters and chiefs who have more ideas about what kind of food and taste are mostly preferred by guest. Participation approach is time consuming, but it pays off because users understand and become committed to the change. (Daft Kendrick, 2010) References ? Management International Edition Richard L. Daft, Martyn Kendrick, Natalia Vershinina, 2010. South-Western: Cengage Learning p407 ? Management International Edition Richard L. Daft, Martyn Kendrick, Natalia Vershinina , 2010.. South-Western: Cengage Learning p395-396 ? Richard L. Daft, ‘bureaucratic VS. No bureaucratic Structure in the process of innovation and change’, in perspective in Organizational sociology: Theory and research, ed. Samuel B. Bacharach(greewich,CT: JAI press, 1982), pp. 129-166 ? Management International Edition Richard L. Daft, Martyn Kendrick, Natalia Vershinina , 2010.. South-Western: Cengage Learning p397 ? (Rosabeth Moss Kanter ‘Ececution: the Un-Idea’, siderbar in Art Kleiner, ‘our 10 most enduring Ideas’ Strategy+Business no. 41 (December 12, 2005):36-41) ? GerardH. Seijits and Grace O’Farrell, ‘Engage the Heart: Appealing to the emotions Facilitates change’, Ivery Business Jornal(Jan-Feb 2003):1-5:John P. Kotter and Dan S. Cohen, The Heart of Change:Real- life Stories of How people change their Organization(Boston: Harvard business school press,2002); and Shaul Fox and Yair Amichai Hamburger, ‘the power of emotional Appeals in promoting Organizational change programs’ , Acadamy of management Executive 15, no. 4(2001):84-95. ) ? Henry Hornstein, ‘Using a change management approach to implement IT programs’ Ivy Business Journal(Jan-Feb 2008); Philip H. mirivis, Amy L. Sales, and Edward J. Hackett, ‘The implementation and adoption of new technology in organization: The impact on work, people, and culture’, Human recourse management 30(Spring 1991) : 113-139; Arthur E. Wallach, ‘System changes begin in the training department’, personnel journal58(1979) : 846-848, 872; and Paul R. Lawrence ‘ How to deal with resistance to change’, Harvard business review 47(Jan-Fab 1969):4-12,166-176 ? Strategos survey result, reported in Loewe and Dominiquini, ‘Overcoming the Barriers to Effective Innovation’ ? Richard L. Daft organization theory and Design tenth edition south-western cengage learning 2010p430 ttp://books. google. dk/books? id=CmFjF5tNmuECpg=PA445lpg=PA445dq=oconomo+plantsource=blots=XqCHzKDXrdsig=NR2IaVjuFraYWenDkV6QQopBucghl=ensa=Xei=yJpiUfSpJ4HaOpTkgOgLved=0CDYQ6AEwAQ#v=onepageq=oconomo%20plantf=false [Accessed 3rd April 2013] ? . Richard L. Daft New era of Management second edition South-western 2005 p368 http://b ooks. google. dk/books? id=RhwMpK19nj0Cpg=PT387lpg=PT387dq=oconomo+plantsource=blots=GFSGNGohZnsig=qupXqcmAp5FkVE7oSF-IKdUocwEhl=ensa=Xei=yJpiUfSpJ4HaOpTkgOgLved=0CDkQ6AEwAg#v=onepageqf=false [Accessed 3rd April 2013] Oticon people first: http://misc. oticon. com/com/AboutOticon/CorporateCulture/index. htm[Accessed 4th April 2013] [pic] MSc. International Business and Management Critical Perspective in Global management CORP 5040 Individual case reflection 2 Should we go beyond the Law? Tour: Leslie-Ann Calliste Student name: X Hariguna Student ID: P11016406 Word count: 1027 Case reflection2 should we go beyond the Law? This case is about how the Chem-Tech Corporation considers and behaves in terms of ethics and the Social responsibility. Chem-Tech Corporation is an industry leader chemical company which located near the Dutch Valley River. Even though the company is in high competitive position, but still experienced several quarters of dismal financial performance. Nathan who is the key product developer at Chem-Tech Corporation and his team developed a new lubricant product which the company think could be the turning point in its declining fortunes. The same time the regulatory agencies loosened the requirements on reducing and recycling wastes. And the top Executives think that producing the new product can be very much cost saving because of this environmental regulation changes. The company can release waste directly into the Dutch Valley River. But Nathan has personally sentimental attachment to this river and consider about the pollution will affect the citizen. Nathan wants the Chem-Tech survives from the economic downturn but disagree with regarding the waste dumping, But in this case the Martin Feldman who is plant manager and Nathan’s direct supervisor has not agree with him and accused him of not being a team player. Martin thinks that as soon as the company is meeting the government standards, then they should focus on make a profit and stay in business. Nathan is planning to talk to the director of the manufacturing to convince the company, but same time he is facing the risk that he might losing his job due to his opposition in this case regarding to directly dumping waste into the river. In this case ethics and Social responsibility have been taken in to consideration. The ethical issue is present in a situation when the actions of the organization may harm or benefit others. (Jone, Academy of management review (1991)) The corporate Social responsibility is management’s obligation to make choices and take actions that will contribute to the welfare and interest of society as well as the organization. (Szwajkowski, ‘James E. Post (Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. 1986) There are four CSR strategies widely accepted and categorized by Garriga and Mele. (Garrige Mele Journal of business ethics, 53 (2004) 1. Instrumental theories: the corporation is an instrument for wealth creation and highly concern about the profit, only the profit aspect of the interactions between business and society is considered. This approach is related to the recent strategic literature for example Porter and Kramer (PorterKramer (2006)). 2. Political theories: consider that corporate is part of the social contract, should accept the social duties, rights and participate in social cooperation. The Crane and Matten (Grane,Matten Business Ethics)are supporter for this theories. 3. Integrative theories: consider that business is integrating social demands. The well behaved in society could bring the long term success and the profitability for organization. This approach is related to the recent strategic literature such as Mitchell et al. and Good paster and Matthews. (Mitchell, et. al. Academy of Management Review, 22 NO. 4(1997)) 4. Ethical theories: the corporate accept SR as ethical obligation and apply ethics on to organization. This approach is supported by Evan and Freeman. (EvanFreeman,R. E. (1993) In this case, the Chem- Tech Corporation is following the political theories. Because the legally they ar e doing anything wrong and they are meeting with the government regulation, they are protecting the corporate by doing the minimum required to satisfy the social expectations. They only concerned company is meeting the government standards, then should focus on make a profit and saving the cost. They don’t care about pollution caused by waste being dumping into the river. The company are facing the economic downturn and the pressure on social responsibility and environment protection cost. But if the Nathan follows the management of company and dump the waste into the river, in the current they can lower the cost significantly and get the huge profit soon. But after few years along with pollution, no one will pay for the damage to public health and the public will not accept a company and it might cause the local environmental advocacy group get them to the stage a protest of the company. At that time company’s reputation will be heavily effected and cause economic downturn again. Corporate that engaging in socially irresponsible and illicit behaviour the effect on shareholder wealth is negative. (Socially Irresponsible and Illegal Behavior and Shareholder Wealth: A Meta-Analysis of Event Studies Business Society September 1997) The government, society and the citizen are all the part of the stakeholders. The organization’s performance affect s stakeholders and stakeholders can also have heavily effect on performance and success of the organization. (Daft Kendrick, 2010) Nathan knows that top management took the advantage of the new regulation on environment to get financial recovery, and same time he knows that this benefit will be the short term and their reputation as leader in the industry will be damaged soon. So In this case, if I am Nathan, I would talk to the director of manufacturing and emphasize the responsibility Chem- Tech has as the leader in the industry to set the example, dumping the waste in to the river will not solve the company’s financial problem in long term and provide the recommendation that Chem-Tech participate in Voluntary pollution reduction as marketing tool to building the high awareness of the reputation and positioning itself as the environmentally friendly corporate. The British Petroleum case related to this content, after the oil spill accident and serious environmental damage, the company‘s behaviour of the irresponsibility that took 87 days before the well was closed and sealed. The BP’s shares felled to the lowest point and the public reputation continues to fall. For building up the reputation again they have put the huge efforts afterwards (BP oil spill http://www. theinertia. com/environment/bp-oil-spill-biggest-tech-story-of-2010/ ). So for the Chem-Tech, they should really look at this as alert and avoid things gone wrong. In the perspective of the ethics and CSR, managers often face some difficult situation to determine what is right, and managers should develop themselves with ego strength, self confidence and independence, understand the importance of the stakeholders and CSR. Look at the CSR as important strategy for building a long term return. References ? Thomas M. Jones, ‘Ethical decision Making by individuals in organization: An issue- contingent model’, Acadamy of management review 16 (1991):366-395 ? Eugene W. Szwajkowski, ‘The Myths and Realities of research on Organizational Misconduct’, in research in Corporate social performance and policy, ed. James E. Post (Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. 1986), 9: 103-122; and Keith Davis, William C. Frederich and Robert L. Blostrom, Business and Society: Concepts and Policy Issues (New York: Mc Graw-Hill, 1979) ? Garrige and Mele ‘corporate social Reponsibility theories: Mapping the Territory’ Journal of business ethics, 53 (2004):51-71. http://www. cs. unitn. it/~andreaus/bs1213/garriga_mel%C3%A9. pdf [Accessed to 7th April 2013] ? Porter, M Kramer (2006) Strategy and Society: the link between Competitive Advantage and Coporate Social responsibility, Harvard Business Review, Dec, 2006. Grane, Andrew Matten Dirk, Business Ethics: Managing Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability in the Age of Globalization ? R. K. Mitchell, B. R. Agle and D. J. Wood, ‘toward a theory of stakeholder identification and salience: defining the principle of who and what really counts’, Academy of Management Review, 22 NO. 4(1997); and Kenneth Goodpaster and John Mathhews ‘can a Corp oration have a conscience? ’, Havard Business Review, 60 (10)(1982): 132-141 ? (Evan, W. M. , Freeman,R. E. (1993), â€Å"A stakeholder theory of the modern corporation: Katian Capitalism†, in Donald-son, T. Werhane, P. H. (Eds), Ethical Issue in Business, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, pp 166-71. ? Socially Irresponsible and Illegal Behavior and Shareholder Wealth: A Meta-Analysis of Event Studies Business Society September 1997 36: 221-249, ? Management International Edition Richard L. Daft, Martyn Kendrick, Natalia Vershinina, 2010. South-Western: Cengage Learning p177 ? BP Oil Spill: biggest Tech Story of 2010 http://www. theinertia. com/environment/bp-oil-spill-biggest-tech-story-of-2010/ [Ac cessed to 7th April 2013] [pic] MSc. International Business and Management Critical Perspective in Global management CORP 5040 Personal reflection Tour: Leslie-Ann Calliste Student name: X Hariguna Student ID: P11016406 Word count: 992 Personal reflection The aim of this personal reflection is to evaluate my own understanding of the critical perspectives in global management. And how I’m developed and build up my thinking related to theories and engaging with the case study. Along with development of the society, the international dimension of management is more and more globalisation. This has become a major challenge to government, enterprises and even to personal career. The critical perspective s in global management has provide the opportunities for student to understand how the organizations and managers respond to the ever-changing situations and challenges occurred in the real life in nowadays Study through the critical perspective in global management has given the opportunity to understand my own management abilities and give insight into how I would function in the real life of management. The study through the critical perspective in global management has also helped to build up the critical thinking and management problem solving skills. I have approach to critical perspectives in global management by involved the following activates to evolved over the semester. 1. During the study of the critical perspective in global management, there are assignments and task that required to be completed by group work. Since the class are mixed with students who come from different countries, from building the group, working with group till complete the task by group, the culture difference and the culture factors are challenging us all the way. With different culture background, the group work have been through get to know each, communication, discussion, arguing, and understanding. From the group work activity, that I realize the effective group work should contain: A. Responsibility that each group member has to contribute as much as they can. B. reliance that help each other learn from the project and complete the project, relationship that encourage each other to sharing information, exchanging point of view, discuss and form good partnership. C. espect that care about each other’s need, feelings and positions. D. reflections that are aware of the how each member contribute and communicate. 2. Case study. In each lecture we have the case study which related to that specific area of knowledge in the critical perspective in global management. The case study activities is allow us to understanding the specific case related to critical perspective in global management in real life, judge and criticise by applying the related knowledge. The Donnelly J. H. , Gibson J. l. J. N have stated â€Å"this type of research design attempts to examine numerous characteristics of a person or group over an extended period of time. Since the result achieved by a case study is usually based on sample of one, the user cannot be certain as to their generality. Most cases studies raise questions for future research† (The Donnelly J. H. , Gibson J. l. J. N. , 1984) 3. Visited the company. During the lecture we were also given the opportunity to visit the actual company which called coloplast. The company have also provided us the presentation and question time. This activity has given me a opportunity to understand how the actual company is operating and ask the question personally. This has given me quite clear idea about how the manager in the company deals with real life problem in company. 4. Personal development. All the above have given me the opportunity to develop myself during the process. The extra academic readings have also been part of my personal development. The key learning point for me is how to become an effective and successful manager to deal with the ever changing environment. This key learning point is also related to my work beside my study. As a foreign student in Denmark, I have been keeping part time working to support my study. My part time work is weekend housekeeping supervisor in the Grand Hotel. My work is to arrange and manage the work for the housekeeping, helping them and deal with some unexpected event. And the house keepings are all come from different countries. So my work is pretty much related to what I learn in this subject. So how I can be a effective and successful manager to manage my house keeping which also involves the culture differences. Actually at the beginning in the house keeping department is quite bureaucratic, the housekeeping was asked to follow the rules strictly and the supervisor is very much autocratic style. In the past year, there are many housekeeping left the work. After this our supervisor have gradually changed her style, she realized the problem and start to communicate more with housekeeping, understanding in some case that it’s difficult f of housekeeping and redesigned the working environment, she have changed the cleaning equipment for housekeeping that easy to use. After the changes the house keeping start willing to talk about the problem occurs during the work and the stressed working atmosphere has changed to easy and friendly atmosphere. During my work I have seen these changes and see the clearly effects on the house keepings daily work and realized the importance of the management and deal with the changes. Now the house keepings are more stable and reduced the job quite rate. And related my knowledge to my work have really helped me to complete my successfully. As supervisor playing the manager and leadership role, want to be an effective and successful manager really need to understand the changing environment, understand the importance of HRM and same time to continually building the traits that managers should have. We are living in an era when leadership is needed more than ever (Daft 2010). In the future I am more interested in develop myself to effective leadership. The research finds that charismatic and transformational leadership approaches are more effective that the others. Daft 2010) so to being the effective leadership it’s important to build positive role model for followers, improve and develop myself consistency to be able to inspire and motivate the followers to perform at high levels. References ? Donnelly, J. H. , Gibson, J. L. Ivoncevich J. N. , 1984, Fundamentals of Management, 5th Edition, Texas: Business Publication Inc. , P. G3; Definition probably more suitable in case studies relating to personnels, managem ent style, etc.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

The End of Topic Ideas for a Cause and Effect Essay

The End of Topic Ideas for a Cause and Effect Essay Obviously, it isn't the reason. When there are certainly lots of health-related causes of insomnia, you could also discuss how pressures at school, on the job or in your social life might make you shed sleep. Obviously, the topic you pick for cause and effect essay is going to be the guiding principle in the whole work. For instance, a student will have to answer a prompt requiring them explain just what happens to a kid's health that starts smoking cigarettes. The Fundamentals of Topic Ideas for a Cause and Effect Essay Revealed Topics for cause and effect essay could be variable, but the paper presupposes that the author should do a great deal of analyses and discover the root of the problem under review, the factors for it and the resultant outcomes. The group of skilled essay writers is always prepared to assist you with that in no moment! Hence, your essay has to be interesting and engaging enough in the event you need to entice your readers. Cause and effect essays have a tendency to be among the most fascinating writings at the academic level. It's compulsory to dedicate a single paragraph to spell out the significance of a causal-effect link. It is essential for the author to connect the portion of causes to the next portion of effects. You will need a more advanced topic which will be an immediate reflection of your degree of studies. You might have to do some studying to start looking into the issue and understand the topic you've been assigned. In case the project is quite substantial and important, then you'll require an in-depth comprehension of the topic. If you're searching for inspiration for your subject, you might discover ideas from the next list. The secret to success whilst writing such essay is developing a crystal clear outline. It is vital that you don't overlap ideas. Maybe you are in need of an easy topic which will not see you devote all of your time doing research with very little success. Topic selection is critical to write the most suitable essay. You only have to place the keywords if there's any particular topic you want to know more about and choose cause and effect essay for the sort of essay. When you would like to create an amazing cause and effect essay for college, acquiring an engaging topic you should know you could have fun too! Before you commence working on cause and effect essay outline the very first thing you have to do is to decide on a winning topic. You need to have a crystal clear idea of what you're likely to write about. Each portion of the work has to answer the particular question. Getting the Best Topic Ideas for a Cause and Effect Essay Don't be afraid to speak to our Essay Writing Service and skilled essay writers will gladly aid you with your assignment. This kind of assignment is a bit different from many other college tasks and has multiple requirements, which might significantly complicate the procedure. Cheap and excellent help is provided in time and that is the reason why Students Assignment Help is popular with students of the planet. You can do the very same as it's affordable and simple to reach. Cause and effect is among the most typical types of essays. You may always write a great cause and effect essay on the numerous fields of music. Cause and effect essays are a breeze to write, just stay focused and attempt to make impact through your words and through using evidence. The Lost Secret of Topic Ideas for a Cause and Effect Essay Don't forget that each of the sources ought to be relevant and credible. Take your time to cautiously examine our cause and effect topics list till you locate a prompt that you're excited to write about. There are a lot of regions to explore while trying to find suitable cause and effect topics. Every topic was assigned by the experts and that is the reason why easy to find the resources online for research. Get the Scoop on Topic Ideas for a Cause and Effect Essay Before You're Too Late The conclusion component of introduction paragraph should incorporate a thesis statement. Make sure that you carry out the crucial quantity of research about the topic you will choose so as to produce and compose a significant essay that will trace the reason and highl ight the effect of your preferred event or subject. Your topic ought to be based on logic and you ought to create a logical connection between the events. It is imperative to remember that if picking a topic on history and world events, you will need to make certain that there's enough details on it. The analysis is centered on both the causes and the impacts of the event. What other impacts possess the uprisings had. No wonder you'll find some trending cause and effect essays in the area of academia. A cause-effect essay on the subject of deforestation could concentrate on the reasons behind the destruction and the effect it has. The Topic Ideas for a Cause and Effect Essay Game Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish whether there is quite a cause and effect relationship once it comes to choosinggood cause and effect essay topics. The sorts of reasons and effects might be different. Maybe you can create 1 effect or several outcomes. You may be angry or frustrated, bu t there might be long-term effects too, including a potential increase in blood pressure. In the majority of cases, the info you already have won't be sufficient to compose a detailed, captivating paper, that's why you'll be asked to perform research to acquire as much additional information as you are able to. Nowadays medical therapy methods become increasingly more up-to-date and the info is at the exact time more available to individuals. Once more, based on the content you need to provide, the essay needs to be organized to suit your information efficiently and neatly. Furthermore, the essay should contain an explanation why it happened and what is caused by the collision. The point is to lay down outline in a frame that's simple and very simple to comprehend. The cause and effect essay outline is likely to serve you as a guide for the remainder of the paper. A cause and effect essay is comparable in structure to the majority of other essays, as it requires an introducti on, a body, and a conclusion. A cause and effect essay is a sort of paper that gives a thorough description of any given problem.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

How to Prepare Your Statistical Data Research Paper Topics

How to Prepare Your Statistical Data Research Paper TopicsIn all cases the preparation for statistical data research paper topics is crucial. It should be a job well done and it should be a relevant topic that you are going to present to your audience. Here are some pointers on how to do it:* Determine the specific statistics that you will use for the presentation. Determine what format or presentation you will be using. Presentations that are of general nature and do not need specific analysis are great choices.* Check your past work out in the field for specific references. Be sure that you have seen your own success stories and failures in the past. A better-prepared subject will give you more confidence and carry more weight as well.* Choose a sample case study that you can use to guide you. You will also need to know what is acceptable in this area so that you will know if this is going to be a good topic for your paper.* Sample your subject. Be ready to write a synopsis of the topic before starting. Knowing exactly what is required will allow you to draft a better paper.* Get ready to discuss your sample and also your discussion questions. Discuss your sample in detail and follow up with your discussion questions. The more specific you are, the better off you will be in the paper.* As you work through your sample you will get an idea as to whether the topic is a good fit or not. Keep your analysis of fresh and well-developed and your results will be more convincing.Remember that any research paper is subject to criticism. Be careful when working on the paper and you will get an opportunity to improve your paper later on. If you keep your paper related to the topic, it will be easier to find subjects to be included later on in the paper.

Monday, April 13, 2020

How to Write a College Application Essay or Writing Sample

How to Write a College Application Essay or Writing SampleWriting an essay on your college application or for college can be extremely challenging. For some students, writing a good essay is like mastering a foreign language. It takes lots of practice to get the feel for what writing looks like and how to be as clear and concise as possible.Writing is not something that can be learned in one sitting. There are many other things you need to know and I want to discuss a few that I know about.First, there are many different kinds of essay that you will need to write. Some require more writing and less research. Some require more research and not so much writing, but then others do not have enough research to require as much as writing in the first place.Once you begin to learn about this, you will find that there are certain writing styles that fit different types of essays. Not only do you need to be aware of which kind of essay you will be submitting, but you also need to think about what type of writing you would prefer.In terms of a writing sample, you may want to consider using one that has more research behind it. Not only does this better relate to your situation, but it will help you make sure that your piece is really writing.One of the main factors in making a great college application essay or writing sample is the use of the proper grammar and punctuation. Not only do you need to ensure that all your ideas are properly expressed, but you also need to ensure that the proper usage of words and grammar is present in all your paragraphs. You will not want to lose points for grammatical errors that are a result of a couple of stray letters.A second important consideration is to ensure that your paragraphs are consistent. There are rules and guidelines that dictate the format of each paragraph. You will want to follow these and make sure that you put everything in the right order so that it makes sense and flows well.When writing a college application essay or writing sample, you may want to consult a professional who can help you learn more about these issues. They can also assist you in helping you create a solid outline your ideas so that they flow well and do not lose their direction.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Is the End of the College Essay Summary Worth It?

Is the End of the College Essay Summary Worth It?Students often wonder whether or not the end of the college essay summary is really worth the time spent on it. They believe that if the student can just finish the summary, they can just skip the parts of the essay that is written by the college professor. But this isn't always the case.Writing a college essay can be a rather tricky proposition. Especially, when there is no specific program in which the student needs to take at the college level. There is also the worry that the college professor will cut off the student from their final exam score because they did not complete the summary of the essay correctly.It is important to realize that the college essay cannot be completed if the student does not have the proper knowledge about what their subject matter is and what they are writing about. This can only be accomplished with the proper research and development of the student's own voice and understanding of the topic. And that t akes time. It takes one's effort as well.Most students who complete a college essay end up rewriting the entire review summary. The fact that there is so much data that has to be written down, plus the length of the college essay mean that the student's instincts often get buried under the 'student paper' mentality. Sometimes, students forget that their point of view is simply one perspective, and that there are other perspectives as well. For example, a student might point out that the statistics might show that a certain rape occurs in one college, but in another college, the same statistics might show that it does not occur as often.If the student had written a very lengthy review summary, the College Board might not have granted the student an early placement, and this would have been the end of the college essay summary. At that point, the student would have to come up with a very unique explanation for why the statistics showed that the rate of rape in his or her college was l ess. In this way, the student had not only created a unique thesis, but also a new perspective.The last point to keep in mind is that the college essay can only be an expression of the student's character. And many students have the tendency to become frustrated with their own grades. The student can often view the essays as mere fact-finding missions and forget that they have to think of the essay as a way to build on their personality. So, the end of the college essay summary is only a stepping stone on the way to the most important part of the essay: the developing of the personality of the writer.So, the end of the college essay summary is only a preliminary step on the road to a more meaningful end to the final exam. And one can make the college essay summary a success by using this simple approach.